Mini hiking from Hananoie to Hemjakot

Well, this time I am trying to write Hiking course . Mini hiking from Hananoie to Hemjakot. It is west also could see from here. It takes around 3 hours both way.
Well, this time I am trying to write Hiking course . Mini hiking from Hananoie to Hemjakot. It is west also could see from here. It takes around 3 hours both way.
we have been doing domestication since Hananoie was opened. Now we have two Buffalo and six Goats and some Baby Goats. Buffaloes are important for Hananoie because they give us fresh milk everyday.
CATEGORY: Daily life
Nowadays, farmers looks busy in countryside of Nepal. We can see around here people are harvesting millet. Still in Nepal, we do harvesting in traditional way. This millet were planted in May. It is use for food (especially” Dhindo”, a famous food in Nepal). Dhindo is a very strong food.
CATEGORY: Daily life
Well, we made butter or “ghee” in Hananoie. Ghee is made from yogurt. It is easily made in a wooden pot by using a paddle to stir the yogurt. We made it in the early morning.