
Staff's Blog

Energy Situation in Hananoie

CATEGORY: Daily life


Hananoie standing tall one the lap of worlds one of the best Himalayan range i.e. Annapurna range. This is dry season (no enough energy) and India had blocked fuel and cooking gas but Hananoie has never faced any energy shortage situation. Since, the resort is based on permaculture the sources that we use the resort are sustainable sources of energy.

Biogas Pipe

Despite the mountainous country NEPAL is facing the shortage, Hananoie is running smoothly as it used to run before. Standing at an altitude of 1350 meters above the sea level we use solar energy for lighting purpose in the kitchen. In case, of cooking we use Bio-gas which uses animal dung and wastes from the kitchen for the production of the gas. Also we are using firewood for cooking food as traditional way. While you are here you can enjoy to watching this method.

Candle Making

For the light we have paraffin free and any other chemicals free homemade candles that are good for your health. The candles are made in the resort and you can enjoy making the candles under our supervision. We have bee’s wax in stock for making candle which we collect from bee’s have after bee’s leave that have. Moreover, the solar panels placed in the resort serve as our natural water heater. The water you use in the resort for various purpose is heated by the solar energy. That is also the reason why our resort has never faced fuel crisis.

Solar hot water

Talking about the Goemon Buro , we use firewood to heat the water. So you can enjoy the warmth of natural and also the flavor of the herbs kept in it. For the convenience of our dear guests we have managed torchlight for them which are rechargeable. Similarly for drying of food grown in the resort we use traditional Nepali solar drying method in all Hananoie is a complete of modern and traditional GREEN-ENERGY

Hananoie Goemon Buro

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