We are still fine after the big earthquake
CATEGORY: Daily life

There was a big earthquake occured in middle west of Nepal on 25 April 2015. Its magnitude is 7.9 on Richtor scale. Main center point is in the middle eastern part of Nepal. It was feel in other parts of Nepal also. So middle east part were main effected part. such as Kathmandu, our capital. Over there, thousands of people were killed, house were destroyed. Landslides also took place in mountain sides also. Roads also cracked down somewhere. Still, lots of people were missing. Fortunately, that day in Nepal all school and all government office were closed. beacause Saturday is holiday.

Fortunately, Hananoie is located in the western part of Nepal so we were safe and our cottages did not get any damages. All staff are in good conditions and doing our works such as, maintaining the resort, taking care of vegetables, as usual. People of Astam also safe. We heard that few houses little cracked but human life is still as ususal.