Making new roof from dry grass in Hananoie
CATEGORY: Daily life

It is a sunny day, today. This morning we could see white Himalayan view and green mountain and downward the lovely valley with Mardi river. The wheat fields around here is becoming yellow. The harvesting season is coming and people are looking busy. this time, we can see beautiful sunrise view from Hananoie.

We have a few houses in hananoie of which roofs are made from dry grasses. We need to change the new dry grasses every year. There houses are for keeping cattles, vegetables and miscellaneous things. One of them is used for staff’s house.

We buy the grasses from villagers. We need to be prepare some sticks and it is need to be tied which is called in Nepali “Danra ,Bhata, Bata ,Parela”. It is made from Bamboo. Bamboo is very useful to make this kind of house in countryside of Nepal. If you visit this season in countryside of Nepal you could see how to made house of roof from dry grass. It is quite interesting.